To download the data, please email
jkait (at) duke (dot) edu for a link to the Duke Box cloud server.
When emailing, include your name, institution, and what you will be doing with the data.
When using the data for publications please acknowledge:
Andre Loyd and the Injury and Orthopaedic Biomechanics Lab at Duke University
Loyd, Andre M, Roger Nightingale, Calvin Lee, Cameron R. 'Dale' Bass, Donald Frush, Clark Daniel, Jeff Marcus, S. Mukundan, and Barry S. Myers. "Pediatric Head Contours and Inertial Properties for Atd Design." 54th Stapp Car Crash Conference 54 (2010).
This data is copyrighted 2010 Duke University. All rights reserved
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*for surfaces, the teal color denotes the outside and the yellow color denotes the inside of the surface.